Thursday 17 July 2008

well that was it for kyoto, its alot more temples and shrines than tokyo, but after you have seen one you have basicially seen them all. i`ve been in osaka now for 3 days, when i first arrived i didnt really like it but its growing on me. more like teh real japan with not such a polished surface as tokyo.

i bought another sd card for my camera, have been to the aquarium here, 2nd largest in the world, so have lots of photos of that. have been to a water park and spa which was cool and didnt get to sun burnt. hightlight was finding a real indian curry house where the guy said if i phone in advance he will make me a proper byriani insted of the standard one on the so think we are going back tonight.

im back in a nice hostel again, last couple of nights ive been in a budget hotel, which is basically a room and thats it. met a few guys here 2 english and another canadian, the two english guys are from london but one is studying at leeds and seems we even know some of the same people etc.

expect lots of photos of fish to follow hopefully sooner than usual as this hostel actually has a computer that seems to work for more than 5 seconds.

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